Help is available if you're feeling mentally or financially stressed

The federal government has extended funding for two support programs for small business owners.


The first program is NewAccess for Small Business Owners. This program is:

  • Aimed at small business owners who are feeling stressed or overwhelmed
  • Run by specially trained mental health coaches with a small business background
  • Available nationally by phone or video call, without the need for a GP referral
  • Delivered by Beyond Blue.


The second program is the Small Business Debt Helpline. This program is:

  • Aimed at small business owners who are in financial difficulty
  • Run by specialist small business financial counsellors who provide independent advice
  • Available nationally by phone 
  • Delivered by Financial Counselling Australia.


Both support programs are free and confidential.

Minister for Small Business Julie Collins said the government wanted to help small business owners get the support they need.

“I understand that many small businesses are doing it tough, and I want them to know that support is available,” she said.

“I would urge small businesses to access these free government-funded programs that provide confidential support from coaches and counsellors who understand how small businesses work.”

Remember, if your financial situation has changed or you would like to find out what your options are, please get in touch. We’ll be happy to help.

Published: 31/1/2023

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